Wednesday 1-2-3 Waltz Step Study

Wednesdays at 11 AM CT

This a Zoom meeting. Tap or click here to join
Meeting ID: 81946533721 Passcode: steps123
Call into this meeting by phone at (346) 248-7799, meeting ID 81946533721, passcode 32858808#
One tap mobile: +16699009128,,81946533721#,,,,*32858808#
Other phone numbers (including outside the USA) are available here.

This group requests attendees to have their identities revealed on zoom: please plan on having your name on and identify yourself during the introduction portion of the meeting.

We follow a 16-week cycle to allow newcomers and other members to work Steps 1, 2 and 3 with the support of other VAs. We read from a special version the VA Manuscript for Steps 1-3: it will be shared in the meeting.

Program Outline

Click on the topic for the format & reading (Preferred text is available here: it will also be share in the meetings):

Check the calendar to see what Week we are on:

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