During our practice of Step 9, we begin to see the Promises of VA revealing themselves in our daily lives. If we work for it, we find:
- Fear of conflict is leaving us. We understand how to engage others without drama.
- We are developing the ability to meet our own needs while cooperating with others.
- We no longer seek the approval of others as the measure of our worth.
- We are not severe, nor do we coerce.
- We leave others in absolute freedom of choice.
- We are authentic and no longer pretend to be someone we are not, in hopes that others will meet our needs.
- We are no longer hasty.
- We find no pleasure in judgment.
- We are attuned to our needs and the needs of others, regardless of the situation.
- We understand others’ needs, regardless of their communication style.
- We are finding freedom from the power of guilt and shame.
- Solutions that used to baffle us are now clear and often easier than we had realized.
- We no longer regret or ignore our past.
- We know peace.
- We have a clear understanding of how our experience can benefit others.