Preamble for Violence Anonymous

Violence Anonymous is a program for people who, through shared experience, strength, hope and honesty, are recovering from violent behavior. Whether the violence happened during adulthood or childhood, Violence Anonymous welcomes everyone who wants to stop the emotional, physical or psychological violence in their lives. 

Are you ready to stop the cycle of violence in your relationships? So are we. 

Violence is any pattern of harmful thinking, action or behavior that has an adverse or damaging effect on others or ourselves. Some examples are the use of deceit, manipulation, neglect, threat, abuse and misuse of power, position or force. Generally these expressions of violence occur when a person or group is triggered.  

A trigger is our internal reaction to a person, place, thing, situation or thought. Some catalysts for triggers are fear, threat, past trauma, limiting beliefs, shame or unmet needs. When triggered, the violence addict may, consciously or unconsciously, react with violence to assert power and control over people and circumstance.  

Even if these incidents occur only once or occasionally, they instill fear of future violence. Regular use of violent behaviors makes up a larger system of abuse. 

These are some of the ways violence is carried out: 

Manipulation and Control 
Emotional Abuse 
Psychological Abuse 
Physical Abuse 
Sexual Violence or Abuse 
Minimizing, Denying, or Blaming  
Using Children 
Economic or Financial Abuse 
Victim Thinking 
Casteism or Classism 
Coercion or Threats 
Spiritual or Religious Violence 

We have found that without a spiritual awakening, this condition is progressive, and untreated can result in damaged or destroyed relationships, isolation, deterioration of physical health, financial difficulty, insanity, imprisonment and death. For those of you who are sincerely willing to change, there is hope. May you find it now.

Violence Anonymous is not affiliated with any public, or private organization, political movement, ideology or religion; we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to overcome violence and to carry this message of recovery to those who still suffer.

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